
(I shake very much about economical independence, the idea, and the passion three persons. When passion is superior, I am in a condition that a hand gets nothing. Please guess a painful desire. )To arrange the room a little, and to make …

The mikan bath had very good fragrance. I become busy with housework, general cleaning from now on. I think about two future work. I do not have the basics, and it is hard to write an English sentence, but the interest lasts. I intend to b…

Let's hear the song. "Akiko", "Ruriko", "Sachi", and "Noriko". Is not there their song? I have a feeling that there was the song of "Sachi". Oh ,it is the song of the girl of Sanya. Let's hear reading aloud. As for them, they are dying to …

Cheesecake A diameter of 18 centimeters Cracker or cookie 60g 50 yen Melted butter 40-60g 75 yen Cream cheese 140g 300 yen Sour cream 100g 228 yen Sugar 50g 20 yen Salt little(x) x yen One egg (50?) 30 yenOne lemon juice tablespoon (15?) 5…


I looked at the circle that the sunbeam which reflected in the transparent surface of a river was yellow. It changed in purple on the way and seemed to have bent. (Red as the comparison and red as the absolute subjectivity) Strawberry Ap…

Fat parakeet Stroll and long shadow Life and Time Make and Look Study and Life A girl of around 2 years old laughed barefoot in a shop yesterday. The child who is young than selflessness.

Special menu, The round-table conference of the junior high school. The alien that Arin is like this. Wilde that the punctuality is time theft, The activist comes 5 minutes ago and leaves 5 minutes later.

Solidarity! The pains that a feeling cannot switch

I heard a chorus of the mom. "DAENON IRREPIT CALLIDUS"? !?? It is composition of Gyorgy Orban.and "The north sea"? of Chuya Nakahara, "Come near at night of the birthplace"? of the Michizo Tachihara , too.

An organic mikan arrives Please 1 or more? Eat it Let's make jam with the skin

A mom lunch Mt. Rokko Herb Several cows A goat A sheep The poetry of a flower blooming in the early spring of Mongolia The sky before crying

夕方 散歩からかえったら 杖の必要な年配のひとが側溝にはまって 身動きがとれなくなっていた 集まった近所の人が何とか助けおこそうとするが 足の状態がわからないし 下半身まではまり込んでいるので どうしたらよいのかわからない へたにねじってはかえっ…

Yes, I was late, too and laughed.

「職人集団の中で育ったので その良い響き」「男性集団による神事と蒸気と熱気」「「バラが咲いた」は「聞いてはいけません」。厳しい小学校の先生」「エルビスやシナトラを父が聞いていたと思う」「音楽実験クラスで5、6年生を過ごす」「裏声を使っている…

Yes、私は”長女の社会学”をなかなか出られません。 だいたいオスカー・ワイルドは、 私が尊敬するモリスさんがビアズリーの作品を見て 「これはいかん」って言って 「あのねでもビアズリーは自分が早死にするって思い込んであの絵を描いたのよ」 っていう問…

It is a voice and love and intelligence, You hear a difficult thing, wait… I will take a walk in the afternoon. - The cover of Oscar Wilde is beautiful!

シマ 縞 縞地層を深く降りて 太古の鼓 鳴り響くサメの目はサメよサメ舞 ウマ 舞白い歯と皮膚と粉 曲げられた腰 つま先まで隙なく咲く 地上を舞う花と人は 同じころに生まれたから 仲がいいんだよ と その 溶けるような日だまりは言ったケ糸 毛糸 毛イト - [l…